Friday, November 7, 2008

Christmas Loot Update

Today I stocked up on some toys for the hospital toy closet. Here's a look at some of "your" gifts. I felt like a kid myself finding things I thought they might like. I think it's good to tap into your inner child at least once a week! I already have the itch to put up our tree so I can see toys under it. Every day would be like Christmas morning.
Here's wishing you all kid like cheer!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Christmas Wish List

I decided that this year for Christmas I want to do something different. Christmas is always a lot of pressure for everyone. This year I just want to spend time with family, eating good food and enjoying eachothers company. No gifts please!! I'm donating gifts to this great organization in everyone's name. Check it out if you want to know where your gift is going!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Everyday when I'm walking into the hospital I ask for strength to get me through the day. I tell myself at that time and throughout the day to stay positive and always make the right choice. Some days are more stressful than others. Sometimes the pressure gets the best of me and I loose sight of the importance of choosing my attitude. For me, it's always about the patient, not the doctor's, time crunches,etc... Not about my life and the "problems" that cause me stress. I check that at the door. Some days I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, and I come to work run down with a negative attitude. It never fails that on these days, at some point I will encounter a patient that puts me in check. By that, I mean, their story makes my "issues" seem so small.

Yesterday I took care of a 12 year old boy, Aaron, who was getting a spinal surgery. He was born with spina bifida and scoliosis. He is paralyzed from the waist down and is wheelchair bound. His surgery was geared at relieving some of his pain in his upper back. He came in last Friday to get a tour of the unit. I met him that day and had a "feeling" I would take care of him on Monday. I was right. He was very nervous when I went into his room the morning of surgery. He told the child life specialist he was afraid he would die. He spent 10 hours in the operating room. He lost all the blood volume in his body. His anesthesiologist saved his life by stopping the surgery. He came from the ICU today for the surgery to be completed. He is in the OR as I type. I pray he makes it through.

There are things in my life right now that cause aggravation,irritation,frustration. Things that I LET get me stressed out and agitated. Things that are insignificant compared to what this boy and his family are going through right now. I am blessed to only have these minimal causes of stress in my life. And I am blessed that I get daily reminders of just how trivial they are.
I write this to vent, I write this remind myself in the future, and I write this to remind each of you that life is precious, please do not waste it being focused on the negatives. Realize that someone next to you is struggling more than you. Be thankful for your gifts and your life. Embrace your family and those around you.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Tonight I went on a scorpion hunt and found this unlucky guy. I believe he was the same fool that made me spill my trash last night in the garage. His bad karma ended him up on the bottom of Justin's shoe. Hopefully the karma I just created won't be nearly as bad. Ugh, these things give me the heebie jeebies!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Kitchen Gadget

I finally found a use for one of our dug up rose garden bricks ---- in the kitchen! I love panini sandwiches and have always wanted to try to make one at home, however I lack the proper and expensive equipment to do so. So, in tough economic times like these I remembered a simple solution. I tried out the brick wrapped in foil technique tonight and it worked great! Afterwards I didn't have some huge appliance to cram into an already overfilled cabinet. I just brought it back outside to it's resting place until next time. Visit Waters Family Recipe Blog for recipe and more pictures!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Stored Away Treasures

I came across these while cleaning out old boxes on Sunday. These were among the many notes of inspiration from Mama and Katie. My mother and sister have a gift of knowing when I need a little pick me up. I can remember thousands of mornings I would wake to find a sticky note on my book bag or an original poem by Katie taped to the mirror. I have gotten through a lot of hard times because of things that this. I cherish these pieces of paper, they are truely priceless. I bought a scrap book so I can have all the many clever and inspirational notes to look at when I need it. I always say that cleaning is my therapy. This weekend was a perfect example of that. Thanks girls for all the love.
**side note: Many other people in my life, including my husband, father, in laws, and friends have their own ways of inspiring and supporting me, these 2 things just stuck out on Sunday!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome 2008!

This year started with a bang as we celebrated with fireworks and football in Louisiana. Justin couldn't have been happier with blackcats in his hand! I stayed clear out of the way. We had a great trip, but were happy to come home to our usual routine. I guess we have already become an old married couple! Today I got some good news - I got a job at the hospital. After giving my new venture some time, I decided I better head back to the hospital for a guaranteed income. I'm still doing my injections and lasering in my free time. I love it and it has potential to enable us to save for the future. Here's to new beginnings and a prosperous year for all! Can't wait to see what else this year has in store. Love you all,